Welcome to our guided prayer walk through the Journey to the Cross, part of our Palm Sunday celebration event. We hope this evening will give you space to reflect on the events of Jesus’ crucifixion in a unique and meaningful way. Just a couple notes before you begin:
The stations are designed to be quiet and contemplative. Children are welcome and encouraged and not expected to be silent. However, please try and use this as a chance to help them understand what Jesus went through. Discourage any rough-housing or running ahead without you, since some spaces are set up in close quarters. We don't want anyone to get lost or injured.
Take your time – there is no need to rush through the stations. If someone behind you is going faster than you are, simply allow them to pass through the station ahead of you.
Some stations are interactive. If you feel uncomfortable participating in the the activity, please feel free to simply watch or reflect and then move on to the next station.
The stations are designed to be visited in order, so please follow the arrows. You will begin through the nursery foyer and end in the Riley Center chapel.
The station instructions will be posted in each room, but they are identical to the instructions on this mobile guide.