• the way 2025

    All current 6th-12th grade students are invited to join us for the Way! This is a weekend overnight event where students from several area churches join together for worship, fellowship, and discipleship. This is 9th annual Way gathering and we usually have around 12+ churches with 600 students and leaders. It's always a blast so don't miss it!

    The Way will be March 21-22, 2025 and registration is now closed. Foundation students and leaders will stay overnight at Foundation, but we will join the other churches for 3 worship sessions at Walton Chapel on the campus of UMHB. If you have any questions, please let me know.

    The Way 2025 Weekend Schedule

    The Way 2025 Packing List

  • Generate mission camp 2025

    This summer we will be going to Generate Mission Camp in Marshall, TX from June 23-27, 2025. This is for all current 6th-12th grade students (2024-2025 school year). The total cost will be $400 ($150 deposit at registration and final $250 due by Sunday, March 30). Registration with $150 deposit is due by Sunday, January 26.

    As of January 20, we have reached capacity for camp spots! If you didn't register on time please contact Clinton to see if he can get a spot for your student.

    More information about Generate can be found at www.generatestudents.com.

  • confirmation

    What is Confirmation?

    Confirmation class is where young people learn the basic tenets of the historic Christian faith, the history and theology of the Wesleyan revival movement, and the practical meaning of church membership.

    When are classes?

    At Foundation, we hold confirmation classes during the Spring for 10-12 weeks, and then students are confirmed on Confirmation Sunday which is usually Easter Sunday. Classes usually meet on Sunday nights from 5-6pm.

    When is registration open?

    If you would like to register your student, registration typically opens at the end of December or beginning of January.

    What are the requirements?

    Students are expected to attend all classes. It doesn't make sense to register for confirmation classes if your student will miss a majority of the sessions.

    Students and their parents are responsible for enlisting an adult confirmation mentor. If your student doesn't have a mentor in mind and needs assistance, just ask Clinton.

    Who can be my child's mentor?

    Mentors should be active attending adults at Foundation, who are the same gender as the student, but cannot be a family member.

    2025 Confirmation Classes

    January 12, 19, 26, February 2, 16, 23, March 16, 23, 30, and April 6.

    Confirmation Sunday - Easter Sunday, April 20

    Registration is now closed. Please check back in 2026 for our next confirmation class.

  • Foundation student ministries

    If you are a student who is 6th-12th grade then you belong here! Come join us for awesome fellowship, spiritual growth, and fun. To keep up to date about youth activities sign up for our monthly newsletter:


  • Remind Texting notifications

    One of the best ways to know what activities are coming up for Foundation Students is to join our texting group with Remind. Click the link below and sign up to receive updates about upcoming events for Foundation Students! We promise we won't text all the time.


  • Collision

    Join us every Sunday night from 6:30-8pm for Collision, our weekly youth group gathering for 6th-12th grade students. There will be games, announcements, videos, and a devotion that will help students understand who they are in the light of Christ's love and grace.

    As always please check the church calendar for cancelled gatherings.


    All 6th-12th grade students are invited to youth Bible study on Sunday mornings at 9am in the youth room. Currently, we are working our way through Anchored by YM360. This is a year long study for those who are looking to find the wisdom of God in an age of confusion.

  • facebook

    We use our Facebook page to give parents and students information about Wednesday night programming or special deadlines for specific activities. All you have to do is like the page, and we will show up in your news feed.

  • check out our youtube channel!

    Throughout the years we've made several videos for various youth events or activities. Take a look a our YouTube channel and share with your friends!

  • foundation medical release

    Students who participate in any activities with Foundation United Methodist Church must fill out a medical release form. There are no exceptions. Please complete the online form here. Note that the form is from January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024. We require ALL students to have a new completed form on file every year.