Holy Week

As we turn our thoughts to Jesus' solemn final days before his triumphant resurrection, Holy Week worship services tell this story of immense loss while offering a message of hope as joy comes on Easter morning!  We hope you will join us for this special time of prayer, repentance, and praise of our Savior.

  • potluck & praise: april 2nd, 4-6:30pm

    Join us at 4pm for a time of family-friendly interactive worship and prayer followed by a fellowship dinner and our traditional egg hunt! Bring a favorite dish to share. 

    Please register online to help us plan. All ages and stages welcome. 

    If you can help scatter eggs for the hunt, please contact Sharon.

  • holy monday service: april 3rd, 7-8pm

    Join us for this liturgical service of repentance as we acknowledge our need for a Savior. 

    An unstaffed family room will be available if needed.

  • holy tuesday service: april 4th, 7-8pm

    Join us for this liturgical service of repentance as we acknowledge our need for a Savior.

    An unstaffed family room will be available if needed.

  • passover seder: april 6th, 6-9pm

    Develop a new appreciation for the Passover celebration by examining it through the lens of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. See how each element of the traditional meal points to the coming of the Messiah. All are welcome, but space is limited.

    PRE-REGISTRATION is required.

  • reverse advent: april 7th, 8-9pm

    Whereas Advent is the build-up to the celebration of our Savior's birth, using candles to symbolize the arrival of of God's light in our midst, Good Friday marks the moment the world rejected that Light. Reverse Advent dramatizes the Advent readings of joy, hope, faith, and peace by snuffing each candle in turn, leaving the congregation in darkness. This moving worship experience is led by our youth. An unstaffed family room will be available if needed.

  • black saturday service: april 8th, 7-8pm

    Join us for this liturgical service of repentance as we acknowledge our need for a Savior.

    An unstaffed family room will be available if needed.

  • easter sunday

    We offer several worship opportunities on this blessed Resurrection Sunday! Come as you are and join us as we celebrate Jesus, our Risen King!

    7am -- Sunrise Service

    8am -- Traditional Service

    9am -- No Sunday School this week

    10am -- Contemporary Service (nursery available for children 4 and under)